Meeting Minutes Minnutes des Assembliées
Roads Meeting - 18th March 2025
VIEW FULL MINUTESRoads Committee meeting to discuss items
Parish Assembly - 01st August 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 10th July 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESMain Parish Assembly regarding the Accounts for St Peters Parish and St Peters Youth & Community Centre for 2023-2024.
Parish Assembly - 06th June 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly to discuss Extinguishment of a section of La Verte Rue
Parish Assembly - 22nd May 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly to discuss two new Liquor License Applications
Electoral Assembly - 14th May 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 25th April 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 21st February 2024
Parish Assembly - 29th November 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 21st September 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly-Maison Le Marquand 21 September 2023.
Parish Assembly - 25th July 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly 25 July 2023
Parish Assembly - 06th July 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESMain Parish Assembly minutes 06 July 2023
Parish Assembly - 24th May 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly 24 May 2023
Parish Assembly - 25th April 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly 25 April 2023.
Parish Assembly - 15th December 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly held on 15 December 2022.
Parish Assembly - 18th August 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly 18-08-2022
Parish Assembly - 06th July 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESMain Parish Assembly 06-07-2022
Parish Assembly - 25th May 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 21st April 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 26th January 2022
Parish Assembly - 23rd November 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 29th July 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 29th June 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 24th June 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 13th May 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 05th May 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESParish Assembly - 24th February 2021
Parish Assembly - 10th November 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESPeter Lamy was elected as Roads Inspector for Vingtaine Coin Varin. Roger Noel was re-elected as a member of the Rates Assessment Committee. Mark Capern was re-elected as Chairperson for St Peters Youth & Community Centre. Sean Creavy was re-elected as Treasurer of St Peters Youth & Community Centre. Adrian Nowak was re-elected as an Officer du Connetable for Vingtaine St Nicolas.
Parish Assembly - 28th July 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to take into consideration an application from D B Developments Ltd to the Assembly of Governor, Bailiff and Jurats of licences for the year 2020, an Extra-Ordinary Assembly.
Parish Assembly - 07th July 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESPatryk Kuropatwa was elected as an Officer du Connẻtable for Grande Vingtaines within the Parish, for a period of three years.
Parish Assembly - 30th June 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to: receive, and if deemed advisable, adopt the Accounts of the Connétable and those of the Parish Homes and the Youth and Community Centre, for the financial year ended 30 April 2020; to approve a sum of money to be carried forward for the Roads Committee from the previous year’s budget; vote a sum of money at the disposal of the Roads Committee for use on the upkeep and repair of by-roads in the Parish for the financial year ending 30 April 2021; approve the estimates of the funds required by the Parish for the financial year ending 30 April 2021; approve a rate of an amount that will produce for the Parish income sufficient to satisfy the requirements; name a Committee to examine the Connétables Accounts, Parish Homes and those of the Youth and Community Centre, for the financial year ending 30 April 2021; to approve that Auditor, Alex Picot, Chartered Accountants are to continue as the parish accountants and prepare the accounts.
Parish Assembly - 26th May 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to take into consideration applications from Mark Jordan at The Beach and MVH Trading Ltd to the Assembly of Governor, Bailiff and Jurats of licences for the year 2020; elect Officer du Connẻtable for Vingtaine St Nicolas within the Parish, for a period of three years.
Parish Assembly - 28th April 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to elect Officer du Connẻtables for various Vingtaines within the Parish, for a period of three years.
Electoral Assembly - 11th February 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESMr Robert Philip Surcouf was elected as a Procureur du Bien Public.
Parish Assembly - 11th February 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to: elect three Vingteniers, one for Grande Vingtaine and one for Vingtaine de St Nicolas and one for Vingtaine des Augerez within the Parish; elect an Officer du Connetable for Vingtaine Coin Varin within the Parish; approach the Assembly to approve funding for Liberation 75 celebrations to enable the Parish to hold various events; appoint a person to the position of Registrar for the Parish of St Peter; appoint two persons to the position of Deputy Registrar for the Parish of St Peter; take into consideration an application from Roberts Garages Ltd to the Assembly of Governor, Bailiff and Jurats of licences for the year 2020.
Parish Assembly - 05th November 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to elect two members of the Assessment Committee; elect three Principals resident in the Parish to serve as members of the Comité des Chemins; elect two Inspecteurs des Chemins for each Vingtaine; elect four Principals to serve as members of the Cimetiere a L’usage de tous les Cultes; elect Officers du Connetable for various Vingtaines within the Parish.
Parish Assembly - 03rd September 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to take into consideration an application from Dunells Premier Wines to the Assembly of Governor, Bailiff and Jurats for licences for the year 2019.
Parish Assembly - 02nd July 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to: receive, and if deemed advisable, adopt the Accounts of the Connẻtable and those of the Parish Homes and the Youth and Community Centre, for the financial year ended 30 April 2019; vote a sum of money at the disposal of the Roads Committee for use on the upkeep and repair of by-roads in the Parish for the financial year ending 30 April 2020; approve the estimates of the funds required by the Parish for the financial year ending 30 April 2020; approve a sum of money for the Parish to introduce a recycling (kerbside) scheme into the Parish; approve a rate of an amount that will produce for the Parish income sufficient to satisfy the requirements as set out in the approved estimates; name a Committee to examine the Connẻtables Accounts, Parish Homes and those of the Youth and Community Centre, for the financial year ending 30 April 2020.
Parish Assembly - 09th April 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to elect an Honorary Secretary and two members for St Peters Youth & Community Centre.
Parish Assembly - 14th March 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to: discuss matters that have recently been raised in respect of the First Time Buyer Homes in Perpetuity Scheme; seek parishioners agreement to continue to progress the scheme, in accordance with decisions of the previous Parish Assemblies held on 26th April 2016 and 13th September 2017 by voting in a ballot.
Parish Assembly - 26th February 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to: elect Vingtenier for Vingtaine Douet for a period of three years; take into consideration an application from Tipsy Star Brewing Company Limited to the Assembly of Governor, Bailiff and Jurats of licences for the year 2019.
Parish Assembly - 23rd January 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESMr James Derek Kehoe was elected as an Officer du Connetable for Vingtaine Coin Varin. Mrs Zoe Rive was elected as a member of the Rates Assessment Committee.