Technical Park Resolution FrameworkPlian d’Pliaindrie entouor la Cliôsée Technique
The Connétable (or Constable), as head of the Parish, must make himself available to all St Peter parishioners on matters that concern them.
In recent times, matters relating to the Technical Park on La Grande Route de St. Pierre have demanded a lot of Parish time and with responsibility for 2,500 ratepayers, improving communication and trust between park tenants and private residents was essential.
When people live and work near each other, it is okay to expect that issues will arise from time to time. To make sure that any matters arising are addressed positively, a group of park tenants came together in late 2020 and, with the Constable’s support, created a resolution framework.
The Resolution Framework exists for everyone who works at the technical park and those who live adjacent to it. It aims to find solutions that work for everyone involved and it is important that all residents – both private and commercial – are open to the new process and willing to work with it.
This section of our parish website explains how the resolution framework works, what you should do if you have a concern and provides guidance on how to approach things.
As important as it is for the Parish Hall to hear about matters that concern parishioners, we also know that there is a lot of good happening at the Technical Park and would encourage those who live and work at the park to share any compliments with too.
Read below for details on how to use the Framework.
Submitting a Compliment
You can submit a compliment in the following ways:
- Via the St. Peter’s Technical Park Comments Form.
- By contacting the Parish Hall on 01534 481236 and telling the team there that you would like to pass on a compliment. The Parish Team will be happy to hear from you.
How the Technical Park Resolution Framework Works

Step 1. Guidance for Resolving a Concern Yourself
If you have a problem relating to St. Peter’s Technical Park, you should try to resolve it yourself first. Talking to someone who can help with your concern can be an easy and less stressful way to get your problem solved. Asking for a short meeting with them is a useful way to do this.
Below are some tips for having a successful meeting.
- Make some notes of the things you want to say. It is a good idea to prepare what you want to say before the meeting. This helps to make sure you do not forget anything or say anything that’s unclear or that you could regret.
- It is also helpful to think about why this is a problem for you. Explaining how the problem is affecting you helps the other person to understand. It will also help you to check how important the problem is to you.
- Consider what you would like to change and how. Having an idea of an appropriate solution is useful too. It helps you to share responsibility for the problem.
- Be flexible. What might seem like a sensible solution to you could be impractical for someone else. It is important that you are willing to listen and try to understand other people’s views during the meeting too.
Step 2. Guidance for Resolving a Concern with the Help of Someone Neutral
If attempts to resolve your problem yourself have not worked, try to find someone neutral to help you. Asking someone to provide support to both parties and facilitate a discussion between you can often help with finding a solution.
When you involve someone else it is important to think about the following:
- The third party must be neutral to both parties. It is important to find someone that both parties are happy with. This could be a neighbour or another park tenant.
- Be clear on what their role is. The neutral party is there to help you find a solution and reach agreement. They are not there to take sides, make a judgement or solve your problem for you.
- Select the right person. The neutral party should be able to keep calm, reassure others, and listen to different points of view without making any judgements.
Step 3. How to Submit a Concern
If you have tried steps one and two and they have not worked, you may submit your concern to the Parish Hall for consideration.
Submitting a Concern
You can submit your concern in the following ways:
- Via the St. Peter’s Technical Park Comments Form. This simple, online form captures the information we need to assess your concern.
- By contacting the Parish Hall on 01534 481236 and telling the team there that you have a concern you would like to submit. The Parish Team will support you to complete the online St. Peter’s Technical Park Comments Form.
Writing your concern down makes sure you include everything you want. It also helps us to get all the relevant facts. We will only review concerns about the Technical Park received in one of the two methods above.
The Resolution Framework exists for those who work at the Technical Park and those who live adjacent to it. It is important that all residents – both private and commercial – are open to the process and willing to work with it. For that reason, we ask you to confirm that you have read this guidance and made attempts to resolve the problem as detailed in steps one and two of the resolution framework.
We also ask you to describe the impact the concern is having on you as this allows us to evaluate the scale of the issue.
Our Review Procedure
Once we receive the details of your concern, we take the following steps:
- Within three working days – we will assess your concern.
- Within seven working days – we will have decided on and/or initiated any action required
- Within fifteen working days – we will have completed our review and will provide you with a written response.
If we need more time we will keep you informed.
As part of our review, we may find that the matter must be held for discussion at the annual meeting between the Constable and the Landlord of the Technical Park. We may also find that the matter requires professional independent mediation between the parties involved.
Where these options are not appropriate or haven’t been successful, the Constable of the Parish will arbitrate.